
I have a love-hate relationship with social media. When people post about themselves, presenting themselves so clearly to the world around them, I feel like my own world is less real, shrinking around me, claimed by the person who just posted about their quirky outing, their interest in baking, their funny child, or even their pressing problem.

There is something about seeing someone’s clear presentation of themselves — even if it is not overwhelmingly positive — that makes me feel less, diminished, no longer able to lay claim to being a Real Person.

So, on the advice of my husband, I’m returning to blogging, cutting out a little space of land for myself online. My goal is to post twice a week, chiefly about homemaking things. In the spirit of presenting myself to the world just a little, now, a few things about me, in no particular order:

  • I love ingredients. I get very excited to try new ingredients in new dishes.
  • I’m socially anxious and fairly neurotic, especially about illnesses.
  • I re-read the same books over and over and feel very proud when I actually read something new.
  • I enjoy budgeting.
  • I’m working on a PhD.
  • I dream of writing a home economic curriculum.
  • I also dream of having a well-organized pantry.

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